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How to Grow Green Chillies at Home - Home Gardening 

Chilli planting

How to plant Chilli seeds:

  • For a healthy crop, fill your container with loose soil mixed with rich compost.

  • Sow the chilli seeds in soil at a depth of about 2-3 cms.

  • Irrigate them every day, keep the soil moist and make sure they are not exposed to strong sun.

  • Chilies seeds can also be soaked in water as it increases the chances of them germinating.

  • You can also use a damp paper towel to germinate them.

  • Chillies need warmth to germinate and good light to grow into healthy seedling

  • Keep the soil moist but don't overwater it.

  • After 7 to 10 days, the seeds will germinate and you can see two small leaves on the surface of the soil 

  • After 30 days, Chilli saplings would have grown by 1 feet and can be transplanted into individual grow bags

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Chilli Transplanting

How and when to transplant Chilli saplings:

  • When your chilli seedlings have reached by 1 feet, gently transplant them  into individual pots of compost .

  • You can grow chillies individually, by transplanting them into 12"  x 12" containers, or plant them in grow bags,

  • Place the pots or growbags undercover in a warm greenhouse or polytunnel.

  • Alternatively, plant your chillies outside in a sunny, sheltered spot.

  • Water your chilli plants after transplanting, and  feed them weekly with organic compost.

  • Chilli seedlings need good light to grow healthily. Hence place the grow bags in a place where there is good sun light.

  • As chillies grow bigger, they can to be moved into progressively slightly larger pots

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Chilli Flowering

Chilli Flowering and Pollination:

  • Chilies start flowering when the plant is about 8-10 inches in height and it will bring out small buds which will blossom into cute little white flowers about 1-1.5 months after planting them.

  • Chilies have male and female flowers, pollination is required.

  • Pollination will happen naturally with the help of bees or you can use a small paintbrush to gently brush the flowers of every plant. 

  • Do not wipe the pollen off as it will contradict the very use of the brush for pollination.

  • The flowers will remain on the plant for about 7-10 days, then fall off.

  • Then you'll see a cute little baby chilli growing in it's place.

  • Feed your plants with organic fertilizers at regular intervals.

  • You can use cow dung, tea compost, fruit peelings, etc to fertilize your soil. If the soil is rich in minerals, your plants will grow well.

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Chilli Harvesting

Harvesting Chilli

  • After two months (60-70 days) your chillies should be ready to be picked

  • After the chilies start giving fruit, use a spray to water them to avoid overwatering.

  • Chillies first discolor at the top of the crown.  If the chilli starts to change color here, it will be red, orange or yellow after a few days, depending on the variety.

  • If the chilli has changed color, we should wait for 5 days before picking. 

  • Harvest chillies cut them off the plant with scissors or knife.

  • Chillies can be harvested when they are green or red

  • In the last days their aroma intensifies and a certain sweetness is added

  • You can harvest the plants, remove the branches and hang them upside down so the fruit continues to mature

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