How to Grow Mint at Home - Home Gardening
How to grow Mint from cuttings
Mint can be grown with seeds and cuttings.
Mints are difficult to grow by seeds due to low germination rate. But growing mint with stem cuttings is very simple and easy.
Take some stem cuttings from a Mint plant of the desirable variety.
Dip the cuttings in a bowl of water and add some soil in it. This will encourage the root formation.
Once the roots appear, you can transplant the cuttings into pots, and they will start growing just like a new Mint plant.
Best time to plant is late in the day or in the evening after sunset.
Use a 12-to-16-inch wide pot or container for mint plants
Seedlings has to be planted in 3 inches apart.
Mint spreads rapidly, and its roots have a tendency to choke out the roots of other plants
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How to care for Mint
Mint requires less maintenance.
Trim the mint plants regularly so that it will help to contain the plant's height and keep the leaves nice and full around the sides of the plant.
This also creates a better harvest.
Feed container mint a balanced, all-purpose liquid fertilizer in early spring when new growth emerges.
Fertilize every four to six weeks after that and throughout the growing season.
Nutrients seem to leach away quicker from potted plants that are frequently watered
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Harvesting Mint:
In about 30-40 days after planting, mint will be ready for harvesting
Pick the leaves as needed, or use a pair of gardening shears or scissors to cut larger sprigs, up to one inch off the ground.
Try to cut in the fork above any new leaves, leaving the young branches to flourish on either side.
Pinch off any blossoms as soon as they appear in order to extend the harvest cycle;
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